Kitchen Renovation Brisbane | Five Elements Construction
Five Elements Construction
Case Study

Kitchen Renovation Brisbane

for Amy & Sam Bloawshom
- December 18th 2020
Be Creative


Amy and Sam really love to cook. When they lived in Sydney they had their own spacious kitchen and really got used to it. Often, they would make roast beef and vegetables, pizza, spaghetti & a ton of other meals. It was really enjoyable for them as a couple.

After selling their house and moving away, they had to settle for a new house with a small, cramped kitchen space.

They endured it for years, suffering at the hands of the small kitchen - Until finally - Amy made a decision ...

Amy called and we answered. First, we removed the old benchtop, expanding the size of the kitchen and also allowing us to fix the plumbing. Cleaning out the old pipes.

Next, we installed a modern benchtop complete with an induction cooktop. We also fitted a set of stylish, functional and spacious cupboards.

Now Amy & Sam fully enjoy the luxuries of a proffesional, modern kitchen and they both love the fact that it has helped them to enjoy cooking again.
